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BMT does not accept unsolicited applications. We identify organisations to support and work with through research, partners, and experts in the field, and undertake due diligence on them.

This position arose from:

a) as the trust has become  better known, the number  of  applications received made meaningful scrutiny and fair selection impossible.

b) an awareness of the drain on applicants' resources given the low chance of applications being successful.

c) having worked with so many grantees over a long period of time the benefits of developing closer working relationships with a smaller number of grantees became apparent.

d) the trust is currently focused on increasing the size of our grants to trusted organisations with whom we have developed a close relationship, giving more unrestricted grants (as opposed to funding specific projects) and issuing more multi-year grants over longer time frames.


The Trust does not issue grants for:


  • individuals

  • medical research projects

  • interventions that discriminate on gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, race, colour or ethnicity

  • UK initiatives for specific local areas other than Blackburn, Lancashire


​​The Trust gives unrestricted funding to several charities. Such funding is at the discretion of trustees and cannot be applied for. 


To avoid duplicating interventions currently funded, the Trust does not invite applications for projects addressing:


  • emergencies/disasters/refugees

  • eyesight

  • malaria





​​Application Form


In order to:


  • reduce the number of unsuccessful applications

  • simplify the application process

  • reduce applicants' workload

  • facilitate the Brian Mercer Trust's ability to make informed decisions


invited applicants should complete the form at the bottom of this page. 


Simply download the form and fill out the editable blank fields.


Completed forms should be emailed back to

with the subject entered as the name of your organisation followed by "BMT application" e.g. "Prevention of Poverty BMT application"


Applications should be received at least 4 weeks before the next trustee's meeting.


​Dates of forthcoming meetings:


5th March 2025

4th June 2025

3rd  September 2025



Guidance on completing the form


The completed form is limited to three pages. We recognise this is likely to prove a challenge. Ensure your responses are succinct and to the point. Prioritise what is most relevant.


The maximum number of lines for each section must not be exceeded.  Do not type beyond the boxes and do not go beyond three pages. 

​Include links to additional information we might find helpful, e.g. to on-line reports, pictures, video or impact assessments.  Additional files may also be sent as attachments, however these should be supplemental to the application form which must give trustees a comprehensive overview of the envisaged project without having to find information from attached files.


A detailed breakdown of costing is not required, though you may attach a document of costings if you wish.  The Trust will meet administration and overheads so long as these are only for the project applied for. 


When considering applications, trustees will pay particular attention to the following features:


  • Evidence of effectiveness and/or means of evaluating the proposed intervention is particularly important, especially for applications under "Prevention and Relief of Human Suffering."


  • Whether the intervention addresses fundamental causes rather than ameliorating symptoms (particularly important for “Prevention and Relief of Human Suffering applications).


  • Whether the intervention is sustainable without indefinite funding from the Trust.



How we manage applications


Applications will be acknowledged, usually within a few days of receipt.  


All eligible applications will be reviewed individually by trustees before further detailed scrutiny at quarterly meetings.


Applicants may receive a request for clarification or further information at any stage. 


Applicants will be informed of trustee decisions, usually within 48 hours of the meeting. If the application is unsuccessful, reasons for the decision will be given. 



What can be expected if the application is successful?


If successful, funds will usually be made available within a week of the decision being made.


Reporting requirements are minimal. A one-page update annually is appreciated with a final summary at the end of the grant period.


The trust has developed relationships with many trusts dating back several years. We aim to consider further funding of grantees well before the current grant expires.


Successful grantees will be provided with the BMT logo, though use of this is optional.










Download your grant
application form here.
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